
sunday boost: one tip to sail through the week

July 14th, 2019


My one tip: spend ten minutes booking your top three priorities into your calendar on Sunday nights.

Just. Do. IT!

My three priorities:

1. Exercise 4x week

2. Time with kids

3. Time with people who inspire me

Melanie Gordon Photography

Melanie Gordon Photography

For busy moms, this time-efficient act is a MASSIVE gamechanger.

I see clients in The MoMentum experiencing dramatic relief and growth because they’ve adopted this discipline.

I started booking my workouts into the calendar a few months ago and the results are BEYOND: I have TONS more energy (which is surprising for those who know my already energetic self) my clothes are fitting much better, and I feel more confident in networking and professional settings.

Click here to read about the impact that tools like the Sunday weekly planning is having on others.


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