power of practice

wisdom words


everything changes 
when i see everything
as a practice
and every practice, a choice

for many years
i practiced late night snacking
a choice to soothe discomfort

despite all willpower
my evening practice 
was ingrained
to lead me back 
to the same choice

when the harm of that practice
became too great
its pain and damage
startled me to seek new choices

i chose to understand my discomfort
with deeper love
to practice self-awareness 
i practiced noticing emotions
how they pushed me here, pulled me there

as my practice changed
my choices changed
i chose the love of a new ritual
over the harm of an old one

it all starts with choice

when my practice changes
i change

resource share: Reflections by Kunal

My dear friend Kunal is a business leader in tech, mindfulness scholar and author of a very digestible and inspiring weekly blog which he sends out as a newsletter. This week’s blog was about our tolerance levels when we shift into a mindset of temporary. I always take the few minutes to read Kunal’s blog because it is short, inspiring and honest.


beautiful giants


beautiful blind spot