growing pains

wisdom words


growing hurts
and, when i’m in it
i seem to forget
that this is the way things go

At first, i notice all that’s not right
i switch to the what’s wrong setting
what i don’t want to happen
instead of what i do want

if i stay in what’s wrong long enough
my body starts to talk
something feels wrong
the system warning signals sound

what a gift these signals are - 
a sign of growth.

i no longer panic
i am grateful for the gift
of this physical wisdom
telling me: something is happening!

nothing is actually wrong -
i’m growing.

when i get calm in this truth
i begin to feel… excited
something is going to happen!
a new insight, opportunity, inspiration is on its way

i can expect it  
all because i was willing enough
to notice the signal in my body, 
a messenger of growth


didn’t sign up for this


space for ease